Meet the INSIGHTERs: Warrant Hub

Meet our partners from the Luxembourg Institute of Science and Technology (LIST)! With their diverse expertise, they are contributing to reaching the goals of the INSIGHT Project!


Meet our partners from the Luxembourg Institute of Science and Technology (LIST)! With their diverse expertise, they are contributing to reaching the goals of the INSIGHT Project!


Meet our partners from the Luxembourg Institute of Science and Technology (LIST)! With their diverse expertise, they are contributing to reaching the goals of the INSIGHT Project!

Meet the INSIGHTERs: Hanyang University

Let’s meet INSIGHTers in South Korea: Hanyang University is one of the partners in INSIGHT, bringing expertise and knowledge in WP2 and WP3! INSIGHT Partner Profile: Hanyang University from AcumenIST


This week we bring your stories about INSIGHT from our partner Empa! Marija and Peter from the Particles-Biology Interactions Lab are strengthening the INSIGHT Consortium. INSIGHT Partner Profile: EMPA from AcumenIST

Meet the INSIGHTERs: Graphenea

Let’s meet more of our partners!Today we present you Graphenea, represented by Beatriz Alonso! INSIGHT Partner Profile: Graphenea from AcumenIST

Meet the INSIGHTERs: Tampere University (2)

Continuing with the partner Introduction, Tampere University has another group operating at the INSIGHT project! Meet members of the Industrial Engineering and Management Unit – Aki, Jaakko, Olga, and Vilma! INSIGHT Partner Profile: Tampere University from AcumenIST

Meet the INSIGHTERs: Tampere University

Have you met the INSIGHTers already?Let us start by presenting you a part of our Tampere University‘s team – FHAIVE!Besides producing excellent science, they are in charge or coordinating this project as well Tampere University, Faculty of Medicine and Health Technology. INSIGHT Partner Profile: Tampere University from AcumenIST