The INSIGHT project will provide a novel, integrated framework for mechanistic impact assessment of chemicals and materials. This multi-layer framework consists of a data graph, a model graph and an impact outcome pathway (IOP) graph that predict the health, environmental, social and economic impacts of chemicals and materials. The three graphs will be systematically interlinked together and used for integrated impact assessment of chemicals and materials for next generation integrated Safe & Sustainable by Design (SSbD).
INSIGHT is fully aligned with the EU principles of safety and sustainability of enabling and emerging technologies of chemicals and materials, as addressed in the EU’s Chemical Strategy for Sustainability (2020), in the European Green Deal (2021) and in the Advanced Materials 2030 Initiative (AMI2030). INSIGHT supports the European Green Deal, through which Europe aspires to become the first climate neutral continent by the year 2050. Results from INSIGHT will support policy development in the areas of neutrality, biodiversity protection, public health, and circular economy. INSIGHT is also aligned with the EU’s Chemical Strategy for Sustainability (CSS) and will aid the development of a dynamic economy respecting planet Earth as a whole, avoiding harm to humans and the environment.
The INSIGHT Project aims to:
INSIGHT’s Objectives
Specific Objective 1: to develop an integrated computational platform for integrated impact assessment based on the novel concept of impact outcome pathway (IOP).
INSIGHT’s Objectives
Specific Objective 2: to provide curated, FAIR and user-friendly data and models organised in an integrated framework that promotes and supports SSbD.
INSIGHT’s Objectives
Specific Objective 3: to provide open, accessible and interactive guidelines in the form of conceptual decision maps.
INSIGHT’s Objectives
Specific Objective 4: to establish continuous crosstalk with other frameworks and actions and ensure regulatory relevance.
INSIGHT’s Objectives
Specific Objective 5: to benchmark the INSIGHT framework in the context of specific case studies.
To facilitate SSbD decision-making, INSIGHT will develop an integrated decision-support system in the form of interactive decision maps. These maps will be multi-level workflows designed for guided decision-making by industrial and regulatory stakeholders and will be adapted to multiple types of SSbD use cases.
The decision maps will also guide the development of the INSIGHT framework GUI (graphical user interface).
The GUI will be customisable to suit different user groups’ needs and preferences. A Software as a Service (SaaS) option will also be available, hosted on a scalable and secure cloud infrastructure, making it easier for end-users to collaborate and share data with partners and stakeholders, and providing an additional level of convenience and accessibility.
The INSIGHT consortium brings together acknowledged scholars from 20 partners featuring high-quality research on the topic and with diverse backgrounds from chemical safety assessment, LCA, socio-economic studies, regulatory toxicology, environmental and innovation studies, science and technology, data science, AI and software development.
To find out more about each INSIGHT Partner, please click here.
About this site
Funded by the European Union (GA101137742). Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union. Neither the European Union nor the granting authority can be held responsible for them.
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